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Sweet Skittles. R.I.P. now...Forever loved and missed 10/30/2019 |
These are my letters to Tyler. They are the conversations that we would have on a daily basis. We can't do that any more. In some small way, this is my tribute to my son and probably my way of healing. Every night we would talk about everything. I can still do that, and I know he's listening.
Thursday, October 31, 2019
Dear Tyler,
Hi pumpkin! How are you doing on this Thursday afternoon? Well today is your favorite day and holiday...it is Halloween so Happy Halloween to you in heaven again this year. There is not a lot of happiness right now nor cheerfulness in this house as of last week but especially as of last night. After Mom got done writing to you in the early afternoon, Meme called me downstairs and she decided to make the dreaded and awful call to the vets. She decided to see what they had to say about little Skittles. After an exam and check up on things, the doctor stated that he was indeed paralyzed and he would never walk again. He had no deep tissue response in either back legs. He quality of life was slim to none so Meme heard what she needed to when the doctor said that it was time to let Skittles go because he was in pain. The most human thing to do was to say goodbye to him. Mom cried so hard. I left the room so that Mom and Bob could have some a lone time with him. I went in the room after and said my sweet goodbyes to him. He left the physical world very quickly so we all know that it was the right thing to do. We mourn the loss of him but Meme made the choice to give him a new life, a new world where he is free to run and play and he is no longer sick. I can only believe that you were there to take him home like you were for Max and Snickers. I am sure he is happy to see Snapples again. Please take care of him for Meme and Bob. He sure is missed dearly and this place is not the same now with him gone. There is a big void here and a lot of sadness surrounding us all. Please be with us all as we go through the grieving process. It is never easy for anyone and we all grieve in different ways. For Mom, it brought back all the memories of having to do that to Max and Snickers just 6 months apart. It brought back everything that I felt when I lost you. Mom didn't really sleep last night. I was heart broken for Meme. The crying and wrenching from her and hearing what she was saying will haunt Mom for a very long time. I still hear Skittles little deep husky bark. I miss it. we are all trying to stay busy so our minds don't wander. Meme cries from time to time and then she stops. That is natural and to be expected. I am sure it is hard for her to see Princess and Ozzy now. Mark and Mom are giving them all the space that they need. That is the best that we can do. Anyways....
Where we live again we will not be getting trick or treaters as it is a gated community. We were hoping but no luck at all. Oh well. Tonight will be a very quiet evening around here. Mark has been working around the clock to get his work done. He worked yesterday from 8 am until 11 pm. Today he started late because we had to go get our licenses. He started at 1 pm and will be working late again. He is so tired and he needs a break. Mom stays out of his way though and says nothing. That is the best that I can do in that situation as well. Mom will watch TV and probably go to bed early tonight. Meme and Bob turn in around 7:30 pm nightly. Tomorrow, Mom needs to go register her car. I have to have a form filled out and grab my Title and then heard back to where I just was today and everything for me will be all done. I think maybe we will go get a bank account for Meme and Bob too. This weekend we are hoping to enjoy Saturday with a day out and Sunday, Mark is working again so Meme and I will be painting the walls. Things are slowly starting to get better here. We are taking it one day at a time though. Mom will probably be lighting a candle in her room at night for you. That is where we spend most of our time these days. I will whisper to you later this evening so smile for me and I will smile to you my sweet precious son. I miss you so much and I love you to the moon and back and all the way around the world. You are my hero and the wind beneath my wings. Forever you live inside my heart, mind, body and soul. I will be back tomorrow with another letter to you so until then....good night and sweet dreams. Mom has to sign off now to feed the pups and get dinner going. Have fun tonight and come visit me in my dreams if you can.
Always, Mommy xoxoxo. Muah!
Here is the prayer for the day:
Hi pumpkin! How are you doing on this Thursday afternoon? Well today is your favorite day and holiday...it is Halloween so Happy Halloween to you in heaven again this year. There is not a lot of happiness right now nor cheerfulness in this house as of last week but especially as of last night. After Mom got done writing to you in the early afternoon, Meme called me downstairs and she decided to make the dreaded and awful call to the vets. She decided to see what they had to say about little Skittles. After an exam and check up on things, the doctor stated that he was indeed paralyzed and he would never walk again. He had no deep tissue response in either back legs. He quality of life was slim to none so Meme heard what she needed to when the doctor said that it was time to let Skittles go because he was in pain. The most human thing to do was to say goodbye to him. Mom cried so hard. I left the room so that Mom and Bob could have some a lone time with him. I went in the room after and said my sweet goodbyes to him. He left the physical world very quickly so we all know that it was the right thing to do. We mourn the loss of him but Meme made the choice to give him a new life, a new world where he is free to run and play and he is no longer sick. I can only believe that you were there to take him home like you were for Max and Snickers. I am sure he is happy to see Snapples again. Please take care of him for Meme and Bob. He sure is missed dearly and this place is not the same now with him gone. There is a big void here and a lot of sadness surrounding us all. Please be with us all as we go through the grieving process. It is never easy for anyone and we all grieve in different ways. For Mom, it brought back all the memories of having to do that to Max and Snickers just 6 months apart. It brought back everything that I felt when I lost you. Mom didn't really sleep last night. I was heart broken for Meme. The crying and wrenching from her and hearing what she was saying will haunt Mom for a very long time. I still hear Skittles little deep husky bark. I miss it. we are all trying to stay busy so our minds don't wander. Meme cries from time to time and then she stops. That is natural and to be expected. I am sure it is hard for her to see Princess and Ozzy now. Mark and Mom are giving them all the space that they need. That is the best that we can do. Anyways....
Where we live again we will not be getting trick or treaters as it is a gated community. We were hoping but no luck at all. Oh well. Tonight will be a very quiet evening around here. Mark has been working around the clock to get his work done. He worked yesterday from 8 am until 11 pm. Today he started late because we had to go get our licenses. He started at 1 pm and will be working late again. He is so tired and he needs a break. Mom stays out of his way though and says nothing. That is the best that I can do in that situation as well. Mom will watch TV and probably go to bed early tonight. Meme and Bob turn in around 7:30 pm nightly. Tomorrow, Mom needs to go register her car. I have to have a form filled out and grab my Title and then heard back to where I just was today and everything for me will be all done. I think maybe we will go get a bank account for Meme and Bob too. This weekend we are hoping to enjoy Saturday with a day out and Sunday, Mark is working again so Meme and I will be painting the walls. Things are slowly starting to get better here. We are taking it one day at a time though. Mom will probably be lighting a candle in her room at night for you. That is where we spend most of our time these days. I will whisper to you later this evening so smile for me and I will smile to you my sweet precious son. I miss you so much and I love you to the moon and back and all the way around the world. You are my hero and the wind beneath my wings. Forever you live inside my heart, mind, body and soul. I will be back tomorrow with another letter to you so until then....good night and sweet dreams. Mom has to sign off now to feed the pups and get dinner going. Have fun tonight and come visit me in my dreams if you can.
Always, Mommy xoxoxo. Muah!
Here is the prayer for the day:
Let those who fear the Lord say: "His love endures forever." When hard pressed, I cried to the Lord; he brought me into a spacious place. The Lord is with me; I will not be afraid. What can mere mortals do to me? Psalm 118:4–6, NIV
Lord our God, dear Father in heaven, we thank you. How often you rescue us from all fear and distress! How often you hear and answer us! Grant that our hearts may always be eager and joyful because you answer us. There is nothing else for us in this world; you are our one hope, our only hope. You alone can help our times, help the nations, help each person. Nothing else matters to us. Lord our God, for the rest of our life on earth you alone are our help, our comfort, and our strength. Amen.
Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Dear Tyler,
Hi pumpkin! How are you doing on this Wednesday afternoon? Mom is doing alright. I have a bit of time so I thought that I would write to you know before things get all crazy again. These last 15 days have felt like a year. It is indescribable to say the least. Nothing seems to be going right at all. The flight to here was great and after that things have just been awful. One thing after another. Everyone around the area is so nice and friendly. That is a breathe of fresh air. When we arrived at our new home it was nothing like what the pictures showed. All of us we in shock about this. All the furniture that we wanted to donate was still in the house except the beds were gone. I couldn't understand why no one wanted the perfectly good furniture but after I saw it, I was like "oh I completely understand" now. It was all junk. Things were broken and very worn and used for a 5 year old home. It was overwhelming for the first week here. Boxes everywhere and just stuff hanging out. We had the movers here, 1-800-GOT-JUNK was here as well removing all the furniture. It took Mom 5 days to put all out stuff away and get settled and Meme is still doing hers. She just has so much stuff. The incident with Skittles happened a week ago today. He is not getting any better and hasn't and last night and today you can really see the decline in him. It is heart wrenching and it hurts Mom to see it. I know it is not my choice at all but I am so sad because this should have never happened. Poor little Skittles is the one suffering now and it just is not right. I know Meme knows what needs to be done but she is not wanting to do it. She needs to know that he is in pain and she has to let him go. He wants to be able to run and jump and play again. He doesn't want to be sick anymore. I know Mom asked you before, the night that this all happened to take Skittles home to be with you, Daisy, Baxter, Ziggy, Snapples, Max and Snickers. I know you will take good care of him for all of us. I think maybe in some ways, Meme is hoping he will go on his own so she doesn't have to do it. If you know this is the case, please come for the little guy. I will miss him very much but I know he will be happier. Thank you so much my sweet precious son.
Mom spoke to Aunt Beck yesterday. Second time since the move. She told me something. She said you have been working with her closely and you are not happy with all the negative things that are being said and done in this house. It is upsetting you. Mom wants you to know that it is very upsetting to me as well. This whole thing has been very hard and really harder than what I thought it would be. Everyone is at each others throats all the time. It is tense in here and I am not sure what to do. I can only control my behavior. I try to make peace with every one but I am not sure they are wanting it. Basically it is "damned if I do and damned if I don't". Please know Mom is trying like h*ll to do her best and that is all I can do as I am just one person. I want you to know that I hear you loud and clear though and I will continue every day to do my best at this and to get things where they need to be. I love you so much. To the moon and back and all the way around the world. I miss you like crazy too. More than words can say.
Mom hasn't really spoken to anyone else at all in the last couple weeks....not even Grandpa. That makes me sad. I will call and Debbie doesn't hand the phone over to him. Mom is just going to call his cell phone from now on so I can talk to him. Mark is not taking care of himself at all. He is losing weight fast again. He is not doing his exercises for PT and he is working all kinds of crazy hours. I am worried about him again but I say nothing at all. Bob sleeps and eats and watches tv all the time. He says nothing to us at all. There are things to do but he won't do them. He uses his medical condition at times to get away with things but Mom sees right through it. That is frustrating as all heck. Meme is a mess. She is tired, stressed out and that worries me as well. I have been trying to help her but I am not sure I really am. I give her all the space she needs. She gets so angry at Bob all the time. As for Mom, I am doing okay. I am not getting as much sleep as I was the first week or so but I am trying. I am hoping and praying (alot) that things start to get better soon. Princess and Ozzy are doing well. They are adjusting to their new home and the environment better than what I thought. I think they like it here. The weather is super nice still. In the lower 90's daily. We have thunderstorms and rain but so far the pups have only gotten scared twice. That is good! Uncle Dick is doing the best he can. We just got word that his surgery for his amputation is set for November 5th. Mom is praying that everything goes well. Tomorrow is the day that we go and get our Florida licenses and register our vehicles. After that Meme and Mark need to establish their banks and then finally everything is finished that we need to do in any time frame. Hopefully next week, Mom will be finally able to go back to studying to finish her degree that she started almost a year ago. I have taken off 7 months from it to take care of Mark twice, and then packing, the move, etc.... It is time to finish it up and get going! I am looking forward to it. It will be nice to get back into a routine again. I think I have finally caught you up on everything that I can think of. Be with us all tomorrow so everything goes smoothly at the DMV. Thanks Tyler!
Mom will whisper to you tonight and I will light a candle for you as well. Mark is working late so Mom will be relaxing in the room and being quiet. Have fun tonight while I try to get some sleep. Come visit me in my dreams and if you can send me some signs. I will be looking for them. You are my hero and the wind beneath my wings. Forever you live in my heart, mind, body and soul. Until tomorrow comes.....good night and sweet dreams later.
Always, Mommy xoxoxo. Muah!
Here is the prayer for the day:
Hi pumpkin! How are you doing on this Wednesday afternoon? Mom is doing alright. I have a bit of time so I thought that I would write to you know before things get all crazy again. These last 15 days have felt like a year. It is indescribable to say the least. Nothing seems to be going right at all. The flight to here was great and after that things have just been awful. One thing after another. Everyone around the area is so nice and friendly. That is a breathe of fresh air. When we arrived at our new home it was nothing like what the pictures showed. All of us we in shock about this. All the furniture that we wanted to donate was still in the house except the beds were gone. I couldn't understand why no one wanted the perfectly good furniture but after I saw it, I was like "oh I completely understand" now. It was all junk. Things were broken and very worn and used for a 5 year old home. It was overwhelming for the first week here. Boxes everywhere and just stuff hanging out. We had the movers here, 1-800-GOT-JUNK was here as well removing all the furniture. It took Mom 5 days to put all out stuff away and get settled and Meme is still doing hers. She just has so much stuff. The incident with Skittles happened a week ago today. He is not getting any better and hasn't and last night and today you can really see the decline in him. It is heart wrenching and it hurts Mom to see it. I know it is not my choice at all but I am so sad because this should have never happened. Poor little Skittles is the one suffering now and it just is not right. I know Meme knows what needs to be done but she is not wanting to do it. She needs to know that he is in pain and she has to let him go. He wants to be able to run and jump and play again. He doesn't want to be sick anymore. I know Mom asked you before, the night that this all happened to take Skittles home to be with you, Daisy, Baxter, Ziggy, Snapples, Max and Snickers. I know you will take good care of him for all of us. I think maybe in some ways, Meme is hoping he will go on his own so she doesn't have to do it. If you know this is the case, please come for the little guy. I will miss him very much but I know he will be happier. Thank you so much my sweet precious son.
Mom spoke to Aunt Beck yesterday. Second time since the move. She told me something. She said you have been working with her closely and you are not happy with all the negative things that are being said and done in this house. It is upsetting you. Mom wants you to know that it is very upsetting to me as well. This whole thing has been very hard and really harder than what I thought it would be. Everyone is at each others throats all the time. It is tense in here and I am not sure what to do. I can only control my behavior. I try to make peace with every one but I am not sure they are wanting it. Basically it is "damned if I do and damned if I don't". Please know Mom is trying like h*ll to do her best and that is all I can do as I am just one person. I want you to know that I hear you loud and clear though and I will continue every day to do my best at this and to get things where they need to be. I love you so much. To the moon and back and all the way around the world. I miss you like crazy too. More than words can say.
Mom hasn't really spoken to anyone else at all in the last couple weeks....not even Grandpa. That makes me sad. I will call and Debbie doesn't hand the phone over to him. Mom is just going to call his cell phone from now on so I can talk to him. Mark is not taking care of himself at all. He is losing weight fast again. He is not doing his exercises for PT and he is working all kinds of crazy hours. I am worried about him again but I say nothing at all. Bob sleeps and eats and watches tv all the time. He says nothing to us at all. There are things to do but he won't do them. He uses his medical condition at times to get away with things but Mom sees right through it. That is frustrating as all heck. Meme is a mess. She is tired, stressed out and that worries me as well. I have been trying to help her but I am not sure I really am. I give her all the space she needs. She gets so angry at Bob all the time. As for Mom, I am doing okay. I am not getting as much sleep as I was the first week or so but I am trying. I am hoping and praying (alot) that things start to get better soon. Princess and Ozzy are doing well. They are adjusting to their new home and the environment better than what I thought. I think they like it here. The weather is super nice still. In the lower 90's daily. We have thunderstorms and rain but so far the pups have only gotten scared twice. That is good! Uncle Dick is doing the best he can. We just got word that his surgery for his amputation is set for November 5th. Mom is praying that everything goes well. Tomorrow is the day that we go and get our Florida licenses and register our vehicles. After that Meme and Mark need to establish their banks and then finally everything is finished that we need to do in any time frame. Hopefully next week, Mom will be finally able to go back to studying to finish her degree that she started almost a year ago. I have taken off 7 months from it to take care of Mark twice, and then packing, the move, etc.... It is time to finish it up and get going! I am looking forward to it. It will be nice to get back into a routine again. I think I have finally caught you up on everything that I can think of. Be with us all tomorrow so everything goes smoothly at the DMV. Thanks Tyler!
Mom will whisper to you tonight and I will light a candle for you as well. Mark is working late so Mom will be relaxing in the room and being quiet. Have fun tonight while I try to get some sleep. Come visit me in my dreams and if you can send me some signs. I will be looking for them. You are my hero and the wind beneath my wings. Forever you live in my heart, mind, body and soul. Until tomorrow comes.....good night and sweet dreams later.
Always, Mommy xoxoxo. Muah!
Here is the prayer for the day:
Praise the Lord, all you nations; extol him, all you peoples. For great is his love toward us, and the faithfulness of the Lord endures forever. Praise the Lord. Psalm 117, NIV
Lord our God, we thank you that we may come to you and that our spirits can reach out for your help and your comfort. May we draw strength from communion with you, our Father. May we realize more fully that we are your children, truly your children, who throughout our pilgrimage are allowed to know you as our refuge and our help. Remember our world, and grant that many hearts awaken and turn to you, looking to you in all the fear and need which sweep over many people in our time. Let your Spirit be revealed to our hearts in quiet, bringing many experiences from you, O Lord our God, and from your kingdom. Protect us every day in the many lands throughout the earth. For the nations are yours; they shall receive life and blessing from you, and at last your kingdom will be revealed in all the world, to the eternal glory of your name. Amen.
Monday, October 28, 2019
Dear Tyler,
Hi pumpkin! How are you doing on this Monday evening? Mom is running late as it is already after 5:30 pm and the pups still need to be fed and I have no idea of what to have for dinner so it will be a quick meal tonight I am afraid. No worries though as there is plenty to eat in this house! It has been a busy and productive day here. Mom took Meme to the post office and to a couple stores earlier this morning, came home and made something to eat and then up to my office to make phone calls and change our address over. I think I did 20 calls and emails. I just got done paying bills and completing everything in Massachusetts so we are done there and can now focus on things here in the new home. That is a good thing! It will take a few months to recover from all this but it is all okay! Tomorrow will be a day of more calls and emails but after that it will be a day of cleaning and laundry and helping Meme. Skittles is still not doing good at all. Meme wants to take him to the vets again to be checked but she knows deep down that there will be a very hard decision to make. Just be there for Skittles when he crosses the rainbow bridge. My heart hurts just thinking about it. Thursday is a busy day as well. It is the day for licenses, registration and finding banks...plus it is Halloween. Crazy week again but next week should be quieter and calmer! Please be with Mom through it all. I need you so much right now. Thank you my sweet precious son. It means so much. Mom will light your candle this evening when I go downstairs and I will whisper to you later so smile for me and I will smile to you. I am hoping to get some rest tonight as last night was full of nightmares and it was awful. Have fun doing all the things you want to do and need to do. Mom will fill you in on things tomorrow. I just wanted to write you a quick letter before turning my computer off for the night. Lots to fill you in on though. I will have more time tomorrow to do just that. Please know that you are my hero and the wind beneath my wings. Forever you live inside my heart, mind, body and soul. I love you to the moon and back and all the way around the world. I miss you more than words. Until tomorrow comes....good night and sweet dreams.
Always, Mommy xoxoxo. Muah!
Here is the prayer for the day:
Hi pumpkin! How are you doing on this Monday evening? Mom is running late as it is already after 5:30 pm and the pups still need to be fed and I have no idea of what to have for dinner so it will be a quick meal tonight I am afraid. No worries though as there is plenty to eat in this house! It has been a busy and productive day here. Mom took Meme to the post office and to a couple stores earlier this morning, came home and made something to eat and then up to my office to make phone calls and change our address over. I think I did 20 calls and emails. I just got done paying bills and completing everything in Massachusetts so we are done there and can now focus on things here in the new home. That is a good thing! It will take a few months to recover from all this but it is all okay! Tomorrow will be a day of more calls and emails but after that it will be a day of cleaning and laundry and helping Meme. Skittles is still not doing good at all. Meme wants to take him to the vets again to be checked but she knows deep down that there will be a very hard decision to make. Just be there for Skittles when he crosses the rainbow bridge. My heart hurts just thinking about it. Thursday is a busy day as well. It is the day for licenses, registration and finding banks...plus it is Halloween. Crazy week again but next week should be quieter and calmer! Please be with Mom through it all. I need you so much right now. Thank you my sweet precious son. It means so much. Mom will light your candle this evening when I go downstairs and I will whisper to you later so smile for me and I will smile to you. I am hoping to get some rest tonight as last night was full of nightmares and it was awful. Have fun doing all the things you want to do and need to do. Mom will fill you in on things tomorrow. I just wanted to write you a quick letter before turning my computer off for the night. Lots to fill you in on though. I will have more time tomorrow to do just that. Please know that you are my hero and the wind beneath my wings. Forever you live inside my heart, mind, body and soul. I love you to the moon and back and all the way around the world. I miss you more than words. Until tomorrow comes....good night and sweet dreams.
Always, Mommy xoxoxo. Muah!
Here is the prayer for the day:
Sacrifice thank offerings to God, fulfill your vows to the Most High, and call on me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you will honor me. Psalm 50:14–15, NIV
Dear Father in heaven, we want to praise you together and to thank you with all our hearts for your goodness and your deliverance from our many needs. Accept our thanks, and help us go on our way with ever joyful hearts. Make us ready for whatever you have prepared for us, your children. Bless us in our individual lives and bless us in our community. Let your Spirit shed its rays into all places to comfort people's hearts and to restore and strengthen their faith. May your name be praised forevermore. Amen.
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Dear Tyler,
Hi pumpkin! How are you on this Sunday evening? Mom is still writing to you on my cell phone. Everything is up and running for my computer tomorrow so regular letters will start again. Mom will be so happy! I have missed writing to you. So much has been going on the last couple weeks. I have a lot to catch you up on. Things here are still rocky. We are all unpacked but Meme isn't. She is working really hard though. Skittles is still not improving with his health. We all know what that means and it's not good at all. Mom is dreading this for Meme. Bob still doesn't seem phased by any of it which doesn't make things any easier. The weather here is good but right now that is about all that is. Mom misses you so much. I have been talking to you a lot so I hope that you have heard me every time. Smile when you do and I will smile back. Right now Mark is watching the football game with Bob and Meme fell asleep in the chair. She is exhausted. All the pups are near by and there is a thunderstorm going on right now. Couple days ago we were in a tornado warning. Mom is doing okay. I am trying to help everyone out and it is tiring. I am doing the best I can though. I am pretty tired though tonight. Mom didn't sleep at all last night. I am hoping to tonight though. Mom is asking you to be near me. I need you, Ty. Can you send me a sign? Thank you my sweet precious son. I love you to the moon and back and all the way around the world. You are my hero and the wind beneath my wings. Forever you live inside my heart, mind, body and soul. Have fun tonight while I sleep. Come visit me in my dreams if you can. Mom will be back with a regular letters to you tomorrow with a prayer and pictures again but until then.... Mom needs to get going so she can do a couple things before I go to bed. Until tomorrow comes....good night and sweet dreams.
Always, Mommy xoxoxo. Muah 🖤
Hi pumpkin! How are you on this Sunday evening? Mom is still writing to you on my cell phone. Everything is up and running for my computer tomorrow so regular letters will start again. Mom will be so happy! I have missed writing to you. So much has been going on the last couple weeks. I have a lot to catch you up on. Things here are still rocky. We are all unpacked but Meme isn't. She is working really hard though. Skittles is still not improving with his health. We all know what that means and it's not good at all. Mom is dreading this for Meme. Bob still doesn't seem phased by any of it which doesn't make things any easier. The weather here is good but right now that is about all that is. Mom misses you so much. I have been talking to you a lot so I hope that you have heard me every time. Smile when you do and I will smile back. Right now Mark is watching the football game with Bob and Meme fell asleep in the chair. She is exhausted. All the pups are near by and there is a thunderstorm going on right now. Couple days ago we were in a tornado warning. Mom is doing okay. I am trying to help everyone out and it is tiring. I am doing the best I can though. I am pretty tired though tonight. Mom didn't sleep at all last night. I am hoping to tonight though. Mom is asking you to be near me. I need you, Ty. Can you send me a sign? Thank you my sweet precious son. I love you to the moon and back and all the way around the world. You are my hero and the wind beneath my wings. Forever you live inside my heart, mind, body and soul. Have fun tonight while I sleep. Come visit me in my dreams if you can. Mom will be back with a regular letters to you tomorrow with a prayer and pictures again but until then.... Mom needs to get going so she can do a couple things before I go to bed. Until tomorrow comes....good night and sweet dreams.
Always, Mommy xoxoxo. Muah 🖤
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Dear Tyler,
Hi pumpkin! How are you doing on this Wednesday evening? Mom has been straight out the last 3 days. I am sorry that I have not had the chance to write to you. I have been up at 7 am and crashing at 9:30 pm. It takes everything I have for energy to just crawl into bed. Every bone, muscle and you name it is so sore from unpacking. Mom is almost done though. I have 2 boxes left and then a tub to decorate for Fall. Mark has 3 boxes for his office and we are done. Meme and Bob have a lot more though. Right now, Mom is home while everyone else is gone to bring little Skittles to the vet. Something happened this afternoon when Bob was upstairs and Meme was downstairs with me. I guess he got under Bob’s feet and Bob fell into a cabinet he was building. About 3 hours later Mom finds out that Bob actually fell on Skittles and Meme told me he couldn’t walk. I asked her to put him down so Incould see and immediately started crying. It was the same thing that Insaw with Max. He couldn’t walk, move his back legs and he was dragging them. Whatever happened when Bob fell on him, it crushed his spinal cord and he instantly was paralyzed. I told Meme he needed to be rushed to the ER vet. I told her the outcome was not going to be good. I was crying so hard. I wanted to be brave for Meme but I couldn’t. It brought back too many awful memories. Mom stayed behind with Princess and Ozzy. I fed them and was able to do a bit more of the cleaning. I needed a break so I decided to write to you while it was quiet. Mom feels just awful. Little Skittles did not deserve that at all. My heart is hurting for Meme. Bob didn’t even seem phased at any of it. I am not sure what is going on with him lately. He really isn’t himself at all. Now Mom knows wha Meme meant when she would talk about him. It’s weird and Mom doesn’t get it at all.
Mark just messaged me to say that bloodwork would be back in 5 minutes. He is keeping me posted so I know what to expect before everyone gets back. Tyler, if it is time for Skittles to join you, please go get him. Let him be free to be with you, and the rest of the pups. Take care of him and please be with Meme through this. She is going to need you. Thank you my sweet precious son. Mom will do what she can on this end but I know she will want to be left alone. I don’t blame her at all.
It is already 7:10 pm. They have been gone for over 2 hours now. Mom is sitting at the table looking out the window for when they come home. The sun sets so quickly these days. It is dark by 6:30 pm. I guess we change our clocks back in 2 weeks. That means it will be dark by 5 pm. That is going to be crappy but it happens every year. The weather here has been great. Hot, humid and sunny. We had a good thunderstorm a couple days ago. It has rained here almost every day or night. I think that is a normal around here though.
Mom just saw that my iPad needs to be charged and the battery is very low. I have a candle burning for you tonight. I whispered to you. I hope you heard Mom. Smile for me and I will smile back to you. Now that things are calming down for Mark and I, Mom can write to you every day again. It will have to be on my iPad though as I lost my adapter for my PC computer. I have a new one coming on Friday. What a mess. I will update you more on things tomorrow though. For now, I have to charge this thing and my cell phone....ugh. Have fun tonight while Mom is sleeping. Come visit me in my dreams tonight if you can. Remember, you are my hero and the wind beneath my wings. Forever you will live inside my heart, mind, body and soul. Mom loves you to the moon and back and all the way around the world. Until tomorrow comes..... good night and sweet dreams. I miss you.
Always, Mommy xoxoxo. Muah 🖤
Hi pumpkin! How are you doing on this Wednesday evening? Mom has been straight out the last 3 days. I am sorry that I have not had the chance to write to you. I have been up at 7 am and crashing at 9:30 pm. It takes everything I have for energy to just crawl into bed. Every bone, muscle and you name it is so sore from unpacking. Mom is almost done though. I have 2 boxes left and then a tub to decorate for Fall. Mark has 3 boxes for his office and we are done. Meme and Bob have a lot more though. Right now, Mom is home while everyone else is gone to bring little Skittles to the vet. Something happened this afternoon when Bob was upstairs and Meme was downstairs with me. I guess he got under Bob’s feet and Bob fell into a cabinet he was building. About 3 hours later Mom finds out that Bob actually fell on Skittles and Meme told me he couldn’t walk. I asked her to put him down so Incould see and immediately started crying. It was the same thing that Insaw with Max. He couldn’t walk, move his back legs and he was dragging them. Whatever happened when Bob fell on him, it crushed his spinal cord and he instantly was paralyzed. I told Meme he needed to be rushed to the ER vet. I told her the outcome was not going to be good. I was crying so hard. I wanted to be brave for Meme but I couldn’t. It brought back too many awful memories. Mom stayed behind with Princess and Ozzy. I fed them and was able to do a bit more of the cleaning. I needed a break so I decided to write to you while it was quiet. Mom feels just awful. Little Skittles did not deserve that at all. My heart is hurting for Meme. Bob didn’t even seem phased at any of it. I am not sure what is going on with him lately. He really isn’t himself at all. Now Mom knows wha Meme meant when she would talk about him. It’s weird and Mom doesn’t get it at all.
Mark just messaged me to say that bloodwork would be back in 5 minutes. He is keeping me posted so I know what to expect before everyone gets back. Tyler, if it is time for Skittles to join you, please go get him. Let him be free to be with you, and the rest of the pups. Take care of him and please be with Meme through this. She is going to need you. Thank you my sweet precious son. Mom will do what she can on this end but I know she will want to be left alone. I don’t blame her at all.
It is already 7:10 pm. They have been gone for over 2 hours now. Mom is sitting at the table looking out the window for when they come home. The sun sets so quickly these days. It is dark by 6:30 pm. I guess we change our clocks back in 2 weeks. That means it will be dark by 5 pm. That is going to be crappy but it happens every year. The weather here has been great. Hot, humid and sunny. We had a good thunderstorm a couple days ago. It has rained here almost every day or night. I think that is a normal around here though.
Mom just saw that my iPad needs to be charged and the battery is very low. I have a candle burning for you tonight. I whispered to you. I hope you heard Mom. Smile for me and I will smile back to you. Now that things are calming down for Mark and I, Mom can write to you every day again. It will have to be on my iPad though as I lost my adapter for my PC computer. I have a new one coming on Friday. What a mess. I will update you more on things tomorrow though. For now, I have to charge this thing and my cell phone....ugh. Have fun tonight while Mom is sleeping. Come visit me in my dreams tonight if you can. Remember, you are my hero and the wind beneath my wings. Forever you will live inside my heart, mind, body and soul. Mom loves you to the moon and back and all the way around the world. Until tomorrow comes..... good night and sweet dreams. I miss you.
Always, Mommy xoxoxo. Muah 🖤
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Dear Tyler,
Hi pumpkin! How are you doing on this Saturday evening? Mom is so sorry for not being able to still write to you. My computer is still not hooked up and our offices are not even done yet. There is so much still to do. It is driving Mark and Mom nuts. There is so much I need to tell you. I am hoping to have my office done either tomorrow or Monday at the latest.Mom has been up at the crack of dawn every morning and constantly working all day. Just breaks to eat and that's it. I have been falling asleep around 9:30 pm. Meme and Bob are having a hard time adjusting to things. She packed way too much and she is so overwhelmed. A lot she didn't need and Mom tried telling her this but she didn't listen. Anyways....hopefully by this time next week we will be finished or almost done! Mom has been talking to you every day so I hope you are hearing me. Smile and I will smile to you. It's time for Mom to get some sleep. I will write a quick note to you tomorrow. I miss you bunches and love you to the moon and back and all the way around the world. You are my hero and the wind beneath my wings. Have fun tonight while Mom sleeps. Come visit me in my dreams if you can. Until tomorrow comes.....good night and sweet dreams.
Always,Mommy xoxoxo. Muah 🥰
Hi pumpkin! How are you doing on this Saturday evening? Mom is so sorry for not being able to still write to you. My computer is still not hooked up and our offices are not even done yet. There is so much still to do. It is driving Mark and Mom nuts. There is so much I need to tell you. I am hoping to have my office done either tomorrow or Monday at the latest.Mom has been up at the crack of dawn every morning and constantly working all day. Just breaks to eat and that's it. I have been falling asleep around 9:30 pm. Meme and Bob are having a hard time adjusting to things. She packed way too much and she is so overwhelmed. A lot she didn't need and Mom tried telling her this but she didn't listen. Anyways....hopefully by this time next week we will be finished or almost done! Mom has been talking to you every day so I hope you are hearing me. Smile and I will smile to you. It's time for Mom to get some sleep. I will write a quick note to you tomorrow. I miss you bunches and love you to the moon and back and all the way around the world. You are my hero and the wind beneath my wings. Have fun tonight while Mom sleeps. Come visit me in my dreams if you can. Until tomorrow comes.....good night and sweet dreams.
Always,Mommy xoxoxo. Muah 🥰
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Dear Tyler,
Hi my sweet son! Mom is so sorry that I have not had a chance to write to you in a few days. I can't really write to you now either as we are not on the internet yet. Tomorrow we will be and I can tell you everything that has been going on these last few days.
We all made it to Florida safely. Thank you for everything. Thank you so much pumpkin. I miss you so much and I love you to the moon and back and all the way around the world. I will be writing to you tomorrow for sure and it will be a long letter. Mom has to go for now though. Everyone else is asleep. Busy day ahead for us again. Until tomorrow comes....good night and sweet dreams.
Always, Mommy xoxoxo. Muah!
Hi my sweet son! Mom is so sorry that I have not had a chance to write to you in a few days. I can't really write to you now either as we are not on the internet yet. Tomorrow we will be and I can tell you everything that has been going on these last few days.
We all made it to Florida safely. Thank you for everything. Thank you so much pumpkin. I miss you so much and I love you to the moon and back and all the way around the world. I will be writing to you tomorrow for sure and it will be a long letter. Mom has to go for now though. Everyone else is asleep. Busy day ahead for us again. Until tomorrow comes....good night and sweet dreams.
Always, Mommy xoxoxo. Muah!
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Dear Tyler,
Hi pumpkin! How are you doing on this Saturday night. Mom is plum tuckered out. Mark and Mom were up at 4 am because Ozzy was sick a few times. Got back to bed at 5:30 am to get back up at 7:45 pm. We have been on the go since. Everyone showed up here around 8:45 am. Thy visited for a bit and then Mark took them to breakfast. Mom stayed behind so that I could take a shower and get ready. I didn’t have a chance before hand because Mom had moved stuff out of the bedroom into the living room and then I broke down the bed an set up our air mattress for the next 2 nights. I was all finished by the time they all got back so Mom chatted with everyone. It was chaos while everyone was here but it was fun. Movers got here later than 11:30 am but that is okay. They were super fast and were here and gone in 2.5 hours. It was amazing. Everyone else left around 3 pm. Mom vacuumed the floors and then mopped them. I called a couple people and then fed the pups and got dinner ready for us. It is now 7:16 pm and we are saculted into our bedroom because that is the only sitting we have for the next 2 days and nights. We literally have the stuff we are packing and an air mattress to sleep on. Mom is calling it glamping instead of camping out...lol. We have 1 tv so we can watch that. I think it will be an early night though as we are both exhausted. Mom wanted to write to you really quite though before I settle in and relax for the rest of the night.
The movers are all set to head to NH in the morning to go get Meme and Bob’s stuff. They will be here Monday morning to do ours and then we are off on an airplane ✈️. It’s crazy to think this day has come. It’s funny to see an empty apartment though. There is no turning back now. I know you will be with Mom and that is good because I need you my sweet precious son. Thank you. Mom will touch base with everyone today again and I will write to you in the afternoon. Mark and Mom have a couple errands to run and then we have to clean out the garage. Later in the day it will be relaxing and watching football, then early to bed as the mover get here at 8 am sharp!
The pups are tuckered out and sleeping and Mom is yawning so I think I am going to call it a night. Have fun tonight while Mom is sleeping. Come visit me in my dreams tonight if you can. Thank you. I miss you so much and I love you to the moon and back and all the way around the world. You are my hero and the wind beneath my wings. I will whisper to you later tonight so smile for me and I will smile back to you. Forever you will live inside my heart, mind, body and soul. Until tomorrow comes.... good night and sweet dreams.
Always, Mommy xoxoxo. Muah 🖤
Hi pumpkin! How are you doing on this Saturday night. Mom is plum tuckered out. Mark and Mom were up at 4 am because Ozzy was sick a few times. Got back to bed at 5:30 am to get back up at 7:45 pm. We have been on the go since. Everyone showed up here around 8:45 am. Thy visited for a bit and then Mark took them to breakfast. Mom stayed behind so that I could take a shower and get ready. I didn’t have a chance before hand because Mom had moved stuff out of the bedroom into the living room and then I broke down the bed an set up our air mattress for the next 2 nights. I was all finished by the time they all got back so Mom chatted with everyone. It was chaos while everyone was here but it was fun. Movers got here later than 11:30 am but that is okay. They were super fast and were here and gone in 2.5 hours. It was amazing. Everyone else left around 3 pm. Mom vacuumed the floors and then mopped them. I called a couple people and then fed the pups and got dinner ready for us. It is now 7:16 pm and we are saculted into our bedroom because that is the only sitting we have for the next 2 days and nights. We literally have the stuff we are packing and an air mattress to sleep on. Mom is calling it glamping instead of camping out...lol. We have 1 tv so we can watch that. I think it will be an early night though as we are both exhausted. Mom wanted to write to you really quite though before I settle in and relax for the rest of the night.
The movers are all set to head to NH in the morning to go get Meme and Bob’s stuff. They will be here Monday morning to do ours and then we are off on an airplane ✈️. It’s crazy to think this day has come. It’s funny to see an empty apartment though. There is no turning back now. I know you will be with Mom and that is good because I need you my sweet precious son. Thank you. Mom will touch base with everyone today again and I will write to you in the afternoon. Mark and Mom have a couple errands to run and then we have to clean out the garage. Later in the day it will be relaxing and watching football, then early to bed as the mover get here at 8 am sharp!
The pups are tuckered out and sleeping and Mom is yawning so I think I am going to call it a night. Have fun tonight while Mom is sleeping. Come visit me in my dreams tonight if you can. Thank you. I miss you so much and I love you to the moon and back and all the way around the world. You are my hero and the wind beneath my wings. I will whisper to you later tonight so smile for me and I will smile back to you. Forever you will live inside my heart, mind, body and soul. Until tomorrow comes.... good night and sweet dreams.
Always, Mommy xoxoxo. Muah 🖤
Friday, October 11, 2019
Dear Tyler,
Hi pumpkin! How are you doing on this Friday afternoon? The weather here is still really sh*tty. The wind is just whipping and the rain is so heavy. Guess we have it still for tomorrow morning and then in the afternoon it will start to clear up. That is a good thing as it has been raining for 4 days straight and it has been 6 days since we have seen the sun. Mom is feeling the nasty weather. I was surprised though as I didn't know that we were in a tropical storm named Melissa until the weather channel mentioned it a bit ago. I believe it. It is terrible out there. Anyways....
Mom is completely exhausted as all heck today. I have been up since 5 am and I didn't go back to sleep. I lounged in bed for about 2 hours and then I was back up. The pups were fed and coffee done for Mark. He went straight to work and Mom had all intentions of getting ready to go run errands with him but that all changed in a blink of an eye and Mom stayed here and tended to everything that I needed to do. what a mess.... Mom booked a transport company 2-3 months ago. They said we wouldn't hear anything until this week. That was cool. I believed them....well up until today when I kept getting the same answers and no call backs. Mom took it upon herself to call another company and explain the situation. After a few phone calls and emails and 2 hours, I was able to get us a new transport company. The prices were higher but we had no choice in the matter at all. I even got Meme's taken care of as well for her to and we will still get our vehicles on the 18th! Super excited for that!!!! That took all my morning and afternoon. I am just getting to your letter and then I have a ton of stuff that I need to do before the movers come tomorrow morning to collect all our furniture. We will literally have all our stuff we are taking, the boxes, etc... and an air mattress to sleep on. That will be it. We will have to tough it out for 2 days like this but that is okay. We can do it...no problem! We have exactly 3 more sleeps here in this apartment and we are moved out for good. The ladies in the office are so sad that we are leaving. Mom will miss them. Everything is all set for Meme and Bob, Grandpa and Debbie for Monday as well. Tomorrow after everything is gone, it will be so real to Mark and Mom. My nerves are getting the best of me now and I need to calm down. I know everything will be just fine. I know this because you will be right by Mom's side in all this. I thank you my sweet precious son.
Mom can't write a long letter to you today because I really need to get things going on everything else. It is already after 4 pm too. I wanted to be done by this time but that isn't happening. I will be doing this stuff until the wee hours of the night and then getting some much needed sleep before the real crazy chaos starts in the morning.
I will light your candle after I finish this to you and I will whisper to you later this evening. I miss you like crazy. I love you to the moon and back and all the way around the world. You are my hero and the wind beneath my wings. Forever you live in my heart, mind, body and soul.I will be back tomorrow with another letter to you though. Have fun while Mom gets some must needed sleep. Come visit me if you can in my dreams. I will give you updates if I have any on tomorrows letter, so until then....good night and sweet dreams.
Always, Mommy xoxoxo. Muah!
Here is the prayer for the day:
Hi pumpkin! How are you doing on this Friday afternoon? The weather here is still really sh*tty. The wind is just whipping and the rain is so heavy. Guess we have it still for tomorrow morning and then in the afternoon it will start to clear up. That is a good thing as it has been raining for 4 days straight and it has been 6 days since we have seen the sun. Mom is feeling the nasty weather. I was surprised though as I didn't know that we were in a tropical storm named Melissa until the weather channel mentioned it a bit ago. I believe it. It is terrible out there. Anyways....
Mom is completely exhausted as all heck today. I have been up since 5 am and I didn't go back to sleep. I lounged in bed for about 2 hours and then I was back up. The pups were fed and coffee done for Mark. He went straight to work and Mom had all intentions of getting ready to go run errands with him but that all changed in a blink of an eye and Mom stayed here and tended to everything that I needed to do. what a mess.... Mom booked a transport company 2-3 months ago. They said we wouldn't hear anything until this week. That was cool. I believed them....well up until today when I kept getting the same answers and no call backs. Mom took it upon herself to call another company and explain the situation. After a few phone calls and emails and 2 hours, I was able to get us a new transport company. The prices were higher but we had no choice in the matter at all. I even got Meme's taken care of as well for her to and we will still get our vehicles on the 18th! Super excited for that!!!! That took all my morning and afternoon. I am just getting to your letter and then I have a ton of stuff that I need to do before the movers come tomorrow morning to collect all our furniture. We will literally have all our stuff we are taking, the boxes, etc... and an air mattress to sleep on. That will be it. We will have to tough it out for 2 days like this but that is okay. We can do it...no problem! We have exactly 3 more sleeps here in this apartment and we are moved out for good. The ladies in the office are so sad that we are leaving. Mom will miss them. Everything is all set for Meme and Bob, Grandpa and Debbie for Monday as well. Tomorrow after everything is gone, it will be so real to Mark and Mom. My nerves are getting the best of me now and I need to calm down. I know everything will be just fine. I know this because you will be right by Mom's side in all this. I thank you my sweet precious son.
Mom can't write a long letter to you today because I really need to get things going on everything else. It is already after 4 pm too. I wanted to be done by this time but that isn't happening. I will be doing this stuff until the wee hours of the night and then getting some much needed sleep before the real crazy chaos starts in the morning.
I will light your candle after I finish this to you and I will whisper to you later this evening. I miss you like crazy. I love you to the moon and back and all the way around the world. You are my hero and the wind beneath my wings. Forever you live in my heart, mind, body and soul.I will be back tomorrow with another letter to you though. Have fun while Mom gets some must needed sleep. Come visit me if you can in my dreams. I will give you updates if I have any on tomorrows letter, so until then....good night and sweet dreams.
Always, Mommy xoxoxo. Muah!
Here is the prayer for the day:
Trust in the Lord and do good; dwell in the land and enjoy safe pasture. Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart. Psalm 37:3– 4, NIV
Dear Father in heaven, we love and honor your ways even when they are bitter ways. We long for courage and strength. Lord, help us to believe. Grant faith to the millions surrounded by death, faith that overcomes everything through utmost self-denial. Let your light shine out to bring life to the nations in the midst of all that is happening. Your light shall lead and guide us, and peace will come, a deeper peace than we have ever known. Remember each of us in all our concerns, and grant that the struggles of life may lead us to peace. If hard and bitter ways should be our lot, help us to remain steadfast, never complaining about our burdens even in the most difficult days, for through grief and trouble the way leads to you. Amen.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Dear Tyler,
Hi pumpkin! How are you doing on this Thursday afternoon? The weather here is so nasty again. Heavy rain and the winds are just whipping around. The weather channel said it calls for some snow possible and then sleet and freezing rain....Mom was like "oh hell no!" It is just way too early for that kind of weather right now. Glad that we are moving on out in 4 days. We are suppose to get this weather until Saturday morning and then by the afternoon it is suppose to start clearing up and the next 3 days will be cold and dry with partly sunny skies and then rain again Tuesday evening but we will already have been in Florida. I think the North East is going to get hammered with a very bad, long, cold Winter this year. Even though I will not be living here any longer, I fear for them. The Farmer's Almanac states it will be extreme cold temps...-40 degrees, lots of snow and a late start to Spring. That is not good at all! I am really glad that Grandpa has a generator and that both him and Debbie are retired so they do not have to go out in that if they don't have to. They can be safe at home. I know Mom says this all the time but I really do wish they were coming with us on Tuesday. It is going to be a long 6 months without seeing them. I will miss Grandpa a ton as Mom has always been a Daddy's Girl. The only thing I can say is that I know that you will be watching over them and us and that gives Mom a piece of mind. Thank you my sweet precious son.
Mom got the chance to speak to Aunt Beck yesterday. That was a nice surprise when she called. Things are crazy busy with her but she is doing well. John is keeping busy too. We got a chance to catch up for a bit. I told her that I will touch base with her on Tuesday when we land in Florida. Mom will try to get in touch with Brandy but no promises there. I have tried to touch base with everyone that I know of this week. I will be calling Aunt Shirley later and I think that is it. Everyone will hear from us once we are moved away and settled in Florida. I know that might sound harsh but in my defense I don't believe so at all. Everyone has known about this and other than family and a couple friends, no one has gotten or tried to get in touch with Mom either by phone, texting or messaging. There is nothing I can do and I have no control over it. Mom refuses to get all upset over things that I can't control. I did that for so long and it is not healthy for anyone. Mom is learning a lot....it is baby steps but it is progress! Here is an example: Meme just called me because she was supposed to have heard from the company that is transported her vehicle down to Florida and she hadn't yet, so Mom gave her the number and she called to see what was going on. The lady said that they still didn't have a confirmed carrier as of yet. I know it is getting down to the wire here. Meme just called me to say she was not pleased at all. I told her to stop because the company knew and that there was nothing she could do. She has no control over the matter and to just stop. She got angry with Mom for saying that and she hung up the phone. Mark and Mom are in the same situation with the same company. I am not getting angry or upset. Mom has learned through the years that everything happens in its own time....not your time. Meme wants things done when she wants it because she always wants to be in control. Mom told her that she needs to have a change of heart and start living differently. Guess we shall see if she takes Mom's advice.
Anyways... everyone else is doing good. I will update you when I have something new. Tomorrow will be the last day that I will have my PC running. Again, I will write my letters to you on the iPad but they will not be long ones like this. I will write to you while we are on the plane as I know that I will not have time after as it will be busy getting our bags, getting the rental car, etc.... Mom is still in shock I guess when it comes to thinking that in 4 days I will be living in Florida. It was always a dream of ours, Tyler. Mom is making it happen! I know you will be with me and keep sending those signs as Mom is going to need them. Thank you!
I need to get going for now. I have a few things I need to do and then before I make dinner and feed the pups tonight, I have to go to our leasing office for a bit. I will light your candle later tonight and I will whisper to you when I go to bed. Smile for me and I will smile back to you. Have fun while Mom is sleeping. Come visit if you can. Last night was a horrible nightmare. Please know that I miss you beyond words, I love you to the moon and back and all the way around the world. You are my hero and the wind beneath my wings. Forever you live in my heart, mind, body and soul. Until tomorrow comes....good night and sweet dreams later this evening.
Always, Mommy xoxoxo. Muah!
Here is the prayer for today:
Hi pumpkin! How are you doing on this Thursday afternoon? The weather here is so nasty again. Heavy rain and the winds are just whipping around. The weather channel said it calls for some snow possible and then sleet and freezing rain....Mom was like "oh hell no!" It is just way too early for that kind of weather right now. Glad that we are moving on out in 4 days. We are suppose to get this weather until Saturday morning and then by the afternoon it is suppose to start clearing up and the next 3 days will be cold and dry with partly sunny skies and then rain again Tuesday evening but we will already have been in Florida. I think the North East is going to get hammered with a very bad, long, cold Winter this year. Even though I will not be living here any longer, I fear for them. The Farmer's Almanac states it will be extreme cold temps...-40 degrees, lots of snow and a late start to Spring. That is not good at all! I am really glad that Grandpa has a generator and that both him and Debbie are retired so they do not have to go out in that if they don't have to. They can be safe at home. I know Mom says this all the time but I really do wish they were coming with us on Tuesday. It is going to be a long 6 months without seeing them. I will miss Grandpa a ton as Mom has always been a Daddy's Girl. The only thing I can say is that I know that you will be watching over them and us and that gives Mom a piece of mind. Thank you my sweet precious son.
Mom got the chance to speak to Aunt Beck yesterday. That was a nice surprise when she called. Things are crazy busy with her but she is doing well. John is keeping busy too. We got a chance to catch up for a bit. I told her that I will touch base with her on Tuesday when we land in Florida. Mom will try to get in touch with Brandy but no promises there. I have tried to touch base with everyone that I know of this week. I will be calling Aunt Shirley later and I think that is it. Everyone will hear from us once we are moved away and settled in Florida. I know that might sound harsh but in my defense I don't believe so at all. Everyone has known about this and other than family and a couple friends, no one has gotten or tried to get in touch with Mom either by phone, texting or messaging. There is nothing I can do and I have no control over it. Mom refuses to get all upset over things that I can't control. I did that for so long and it is not healthy for anyone. Mom is learning a lot....it is baby steps but it is progress! Here is an example: Meme just called me because she was supposed to have heard from the company that is transported her vehicle down to Florida and she hadn't yet, so Mom gave her the number and she called to see what was going on. The lady said that they still didn't have a confirmed carrier as of yet. I know it is getting down to the wire here. Meme just called me to say she was not pleased at all. I told her to stop because the company knew and that there was nothing she could do. She has no control over the matter and to just stop. She got angry with Mom for saying that and she hung up the phone. Mark and Mom are in the same situation with the same company. I am not getting angry or upset. Mom has learned through the years that everything happens in its own time....not your time. Meme wants things done when she wants it because she always wants to be in control. Mom told her that she needs to have a change of heart and start living differently. Guess we shall see if she takes Mom's advice.
Anyways... everyone else is doing good. I will update you when I have something new. Tomorrow will be the last day that I will have my PC running. Again, I will write my letters to you on the iPad but they will not be long ones like this. I will write to you while we are on the plane as I know that I will not have time after as it will be busy getting our bags, getting the rental car, etc.... Mom is still in shock I guess when it comes to thinking that in 4 days I will be living in Florida. It was always a dream of ours, Tyler. Mom is making it happen! I know you will be with me and keep sending those signs as Mom is going to need them. Thank you!
I need to get going for now. I have a few things I need to do and then before I make dinner and feed the pups tonight, I have to go to our leasing office for a bit. I will light your candle later tonight and I will whisper to you when I go to bed. Smile for me and I will smile back to you. Have fun while Mom is sleeping. Come visit if you can. Last night was a horrible nightmare. Please know that I miss you beyond words, I love you to the moon and back and all the way around the world. You are my hero and the wind beneath my wings. Forever you live in my heart, mind, body and soul. Until tomorrow comes....good night and sweet dreams later this evening.
Always, Mommy xoxoxo. Muah!
Here is the prayer for today:
...for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and all are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus. God presented Christ as a sacrifice of atonement, through the shedding of his blood – to be received by faith. Romans 3:23–25a, NIV
Lord our God, we praise your name because you have set up a mercy seat on earth, because you forgive our sins through the blood of Jesus Christ. May your mercy be seen at work in many hearts. Shed your light upon all people, and let your glory be known. Let your glory shine in all hearts, to the praise of your name and the deliverance of those who are still in misery. Keep us in your Word, which works miracles. Protect in us all that Jesus Christ has brought to the earth, and may we use his gifts in simplicity of heart. Grant that much may be accomplished to the glory of your name and that we may draw nearer to the day of Jesus Christ, for which we wait in hope and longing. Amen.
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
Dear Tyler,
Hi pumpkin! How are you doing on this Wednesday afternoon? Mom is doing alright. I am super tired and feeling really drained but I think it is because of the weather we are having. It is so windy today (35 mph winds) and heavy rain is coming down. It is suppose to be that way tomorrow and Friday as well. It has been raining here most of the week. Looks like the sun will not be coming out until maybe Saturday afternoon. Mom is okay with that. The weather is looking wonderful for Tuesday when we fly out. Sun with clouds and 65 degrees and we arrive in Florida to the sun shining and 89 degrees! We will all take that!!!! Mom has been up since 8 am this morning and on the go again as usual. Mark went for his last PT appointment today. They wished us well and said they were going to miss us. Mom intended on going with him but that didn't happen. I managed to call a couple people and also took a couple calls. After all that I made the bed and Mark came home so I fixed him lunch and we ate. He went back to work at 1 pm and Mom came into her office and did more things on the computer and made lists of what was needing to still get done in the next few days. I think we are in good shape. Everything is coming together nicely now. We have a bit of running around to do either tomorrow or Saturday afternoon but Sunday we are home all day doing the garage and Monday bright and early the movers will be here and then Meme and Bob will be showing up. We are now just 6 days away. Mom wanted to let you know that as of Saturday I will be packing up my PC computer and the rest of the electronics. I will be writing to you from my iPad until we get our belongings and we have set up our new offices. Mom is thinking that will be around 8 days for that all to happen. Regardless, Mom will write something to you daily. They may not be long letters but I will not miss a day/night of writing. Just bare with Mom as we handle this big move the best we can. Thank you my sweet precious son.
Mom spoke to Meme this morning. All is well there or the best to be expected...lol. Mom also called Debbie as it is her Birthday today. Grandpa took her out to lunch. I told her that we would call her later this evening as her phone was needing to be charged. Tried calling Aunt Beck but had to leave a message. Hopefully we touch base before Saturday. No new news on Uncle Dick. Sounds like progress is being made daily though! That is great to hear. Hopefully he will be able to go home soon. Not much else for updates today I am afraid. Today has been the quietest day and Mom is happy for that as it has been crazy for so long now. I just need a couple days where it is quiet. I will update you on things as I hear them.
Tonight, Mom is thinking it will be a night of dinner, cleaning up after, and then relaxing and doing nothing but watching tv. Hopefully Mark and Mom will be able to go to bed at a descent time. Lately we are staying up really late. I think we both just have so much on our minds. We seem to be falling asleep around 12 midnight or 1 am and getting up at 7-8 am. This really needs to stop. We have to get back on track again. Maybe after all the errands are run we will feel better about things! Mark has been working his butt off lately and long hours as well so I know that isn't helping either but he is off for a week in a couple days so Mom is hoping that might help out too. Please be with us as we make this move, Tyler. Mom needs you. Thank you my sweet precious son.
Thank you for the beautiful painting in the sky last night. It was beyond gorgeous. Mom will post a picture of it on here tonight. Mom will light the candle in a bit and I will whisper to you later this evening. Smile and I will smile back to you. I will return tomorrow with another letter to you. Have fun tonight while Mom is sleeping and come visit me in my dreams if you can. Mom misses you so much! I love you to the moon and back and all the way around the world. You are my hero and the wind beneath my wings. Forever you live inside my heart, mind, body and soul. It is 4:25 pm and Mom is going to get going so that I can get dinner set for the pups and for us as well. Until tomorrow comes....good night and sweet dreams.
Always, Mommy xoxoxo. Muah!
Here is the prayer for the day:
Hi pumpkin! How are you doing on this Wednesday afternoon? Mom is doing alright. I am super tired and feeling really drained but I think it is because of the weather we are having. It is so windy today (35 mph winds) and heavy rain is coming down. It is suppose to be that way tomorrow and Friday as well. It has been raining here most of the week. Looks like the sun will not be coming out until maybe Saturday afternoon. Mom is okay with that. The weather is looking wonderful for Tuesday when we fly out. Sun with clouds and 65 degrees and we arrive in Florida to the sun shining and 89 degrees! We will all take that!!!! Mom has been up since 8 am this morning and on the go again as usual. Mark went for his last PT appointment today. They wished us well and said they were going to miss us. Mom intended on going with him but that didn't happen. I managed to call a couple people and also took a couple calls. After all that I made the bed and Mark came home so I fixed him lunch and we ate. He went back to work at 1 pm and Mom came into her office and did more things on the computer and made lists of what was needing to still get done in the next few days. I think we are in good shape. Everything is coming together nicely now. We have a bit of running around to do either tomorrow or Saturday afternoon but Sunday we are home all day doing the garage and Monday bright and early the movers will be here and then Meme and Bob will be showing up. We are now just 6 days away. Mom wanted to let you know that as of Saturday I will be packing up my PC computer and the rest of the electronics. I will be writing to you from my iPad until we get our belongings and we have set up our new offices. Mom is thinking that will be around 8 days for that all to happen. Regardless, Mom will write something to you daily. They may not be long letters but I will not miss a day/night of writing. Just bare with Mom as we handle this big move the best we can. Thank you my sweet precious son.
Mom spoke to Meme this morning. All is well there or the best to be expected...lol. Mom also called Debbie as it is her Birthday today. Grandpa took her out to lunch. I told her that we would call her later this evening as her phone was needing to be charged. Tried calling Aunt Beck but had to leave a message. Hopefully we touch base before Saturday. No new news on Uncle Dick. Sounds like progress is being made daily though! That is great to hear. Hopefully he will be able to go home soon. Not much else for updates today I am afraid. Today has been the quietest day and Mom is happy for that as it has been crazy for so long now. I just need a couple days where it is quiet. I will update you on things as I hear them.
Tonight, Mom is thinking it will be a night of dinner, cleaning up after, and then relaxing and doing nothing but watching tv. Hopefully Mark and Mom will be able to go to bed at a descent time. Lately we are staying up really late. I think we both just have so much on our minds. We seem to be falling asleep around 12 midnight or 1 am and getting up at 7-8 am. This really needs to stop. We have to get back on track again. Maybe after all the errands are run we will feel better about things! Mark has been working his butt off lately and long hours as well so I know that isn't helping either but he is off for a week in a couple days so Mom is hoping that might help out too. Please be with us as we make this move, Tyler. Mom needs you. Thank you my sweet precious son.
Thank you for the beautiful painting in the sky last night. It was beyond gorgeous. Mom will post a picture of it on here tonight. Mom will light the candle in a bit and I will whisper to you later this evening. Smile and I will smile back to you. I will return tomorrow with another letter to you. Have fun tonight while Mom is sleeping and come visit me in my dreams if you can. Mom misses you so much! I love you to the moon and back and all the way around the world. You are my hero and the wind beneath my wings. Forever you live inside my heart, mind, body and soul. It is 4:25 pm and Mom is going to get going so that I can get dinner set for the pups and for us as well. Until tomorrow comes....good night and sweet dreams.
Always, Mommy xoxoxo. Muah!
Here is the prayer for the day:
They were standing by the sea of glass, holding harps that God had given them and singing the song of Moses, the servant of God, and the song of the Lamb: "Lord God Almighty, how great and wonderful are your deeds! King of the nations, how right and true are your ways! Who will not stand in awe of you, Lord? Who will refuse to declare your greatness? You alone are holy. All the nations will come and worship you, because your just actions are seen by all." Revelation 15:2b–4, TEV
O Lord God, we thank you that in our times we may feel and see that you are at work. This is a joy and comfort to us and we take heart, although the misery on earth sometimes brings us to tears. We find joy again because you are at work. You are carrying out your will, which includes your plan for our life and salvation. Grant that fruits may appear in our times, for our times are in your hands. Grant that many people from all nations may come to you. May they turn to you in their need and know the happiness of receiving your help. May your name be honored, your kingdom come, and your will be done on earth as in heaven. Amen.
Tuesday, October 8, 2019
Dear Tyler,
Hi my sweet son! How are you doing on this Tuesday evening? Mom has been crazy busy today and I am very tired. I have been up since early this morning and I went to bed very late last night. Fed the pups at 8 am and then made coffee for Mark. After that instead of lounging in bed for a bit, Mom had to follow mark down to the service garage so that his vehicle could be fixed. We got home a little after 9 am and then Mom lounged around for a short while. I got up, got some bacon in the oven and then got ready while it was cooking. Made breakfast bowls with cheese, bacon and scrambled eggs. It was very yummy. After we ate, Mom did the clean up and then came right into her office to make all kinds of calls and emails, etc... I did get a lot accomplished though. I was on the phone with Meme for quite some time as well. We picked out a new refrigerator, a new oven range and Mom ordered the furniture set that we wanted as well. Everything is coming together, slowly. Tomorrow, Mom will be on the computer a lot again and making more calls plus I will be running around doing errands as well and bringing Mark to PT for the last time. It is going to be a crazy day. Thursday and Friday look to be quiet which will be nice because after that it is going to be a very busy 10 days for us all. We are now less than a week out. By this time next week, we will be officially at our new home and living there. It is mind blowing to say the least. Mom is going through a lot of emotions still though. I am happy, excited, nervous, scared, sad, etc.... I am going to miss Grandpa and Debbie a lot and it will be a long 7 months until they get there to be with us. I really wish they were coming with us now. I know that you will be watching over us all during this time. Mom can't thank you enough. I miss you pumpkin. I wish that you were moving with us as well and that you were here. I know that you will be in the only way you can now. I hope to see many signs along the way. I probably will be whispering to you a lot so I hope that you smile when you hear Mom. I will smile back to you each and every time. I love you to the moon and back and all the way around the world. You are my hero and the wind beneath my wings. Forever you are inside my heart, mind, body and soul.
Mom let everyone know today that as of Saturday our home phone will be turned off and we can only be reached by our cell phones until we get to Florida. I will be touching base with Aunt Beck, Brandy, Aunt Shirley in the next couple of days. I will update you on all that when I have some new news to share. Uncle Dick is still in rehab but he is doing better I hear. I saw a picture of him today and he is so thin and frail looking. His hair is long and he has a beard growing. Not sure how long he will be there but I will keep tabs on everything. That is all the updates that I have for you today. It is after 5 pm and Mom needs to get going so that I can feed the pups and get dinner started. After that I have to bring Mark down to get his vehicle and later I can relax before going to bed. I will be back tomorrow with another letter to you. I hope that you have fun doing all the things you need to do and want to do tonight. If you get a chance, come visit Mom in my dreams. Thank you. Until tomorrow comes...good night and sweet dreams.
Always, Mommy xoxoxo. Muah!
Here is today's prayer:
Therefore, dear friends, since you have been forewarned, be on your guard so that you may not be carried away by the error of the lawless and fall from your secure position. But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and forever! Amen. 2 Peter 3:17–18, NIV
Hi my sweet son! How are you doing on this Tuesday evening? Mom has been crazy busy today and I am very tired. I have been up since early this morning and I went to bed very late last night. Fed the pups at 8 am and then made coffee for Mark. After that instead of lounging in bed for a bit, Mom had to follow mark down to the service garage so that his vehicle could be fixed. We got home a little after 9 am and then Mom lounged around for a short while. I got up, got some bacon in the oven and then got ready while it was cooking. Made breakfast bowls with cheese, bacon and scrambled eggs. It was very yummy. After we ate, Mom did the clean up and then came right into her office to make all kinds of calls and emails, etc... I did get a lot accomplished though. I was on the phone with Meme for quite some time as well. We picked out a new refrigerator, a new oven range and Mom ordered the furniture set that we wanted as well. Everything is coming together, slowly. Tomorrow, Mom will be on the computer a lot again and making more calls plus I will be running around doing errands as well and bringing Mark to PT for the last time. It is going to be a crazy day. Thursday and Friday look to be quiet which will be nice because after that it is going to be a very busy 10 days for us all. We are now less than a week out. By this time next week, we will be officially at our new home and living there. It is mind blowing to say the least. Mom is going through a lot of emotions still though. I am happy, excited, nervous, scared, sad, etc.... I am going to miss Grandpa and Debbie a lot and it will be a long 7 months until they get there to be with us. I really wish they were coming with us now. I know that you will be watching over us all during this time. Mom can't thank you enough. I miss you pumpkin. I wish that you were moving with us as well and that you were here. I know that you will be in the only way you can now. I hope to see many signs along the way. I probably will be whispering to you a lot so I hope that you smile when you hear Mom. I will smile back to you each and every time. I love you to the moon and back and all the way around the world. You are my hero and the wind beneath my wings. Forever you are inside my heart, mind, body and soul.
Mom let everyone know today that as of Saturday our home phone will be turned off and we can only be reached by our cell phones until we get to Florida. I will be touching base with Aunt Beck, Brandy, Aunt Shirley in the next couple of days. I will update you on all that when I have some new news to share. Uncle Dick is still in rehab but he is doing better I hear. I saw a picture of him today and he is so thin and frail looking. His hair is long and he has a beard growing. Not sure how long he will be there but I will keep tabs on everything. That is all the updates that I have for you today. It is after 5 pm and Mom needs to get going so that I can feed the pups and get dinner started. After that I have to bring Mark down to get his vehicle and later I can relax before going to bed. I will be back tomorrow with another letter to you. I hope that you have fun doing all the things you need to do and want to do tonight. If you get a chance, come visit Mom in my dreams. Thank you. Until tomorrow comes...good night and sweet dreams.
Always, Mommy xoxoxo. Muah!
Here is today's prayer:
Therefore, dear friends, since you have been forewarned, be on your guard so that you may not be carried away by the error of the lawless and fall from your secure position. But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and forever! Amen. 2 Peter 3:17–18, NIV
Lord our God, we thank you for giving us a strong fortress in Jesus, the only Lord, with whom we can oppose the whole raging, hateful, lawless, and cruel world. Come what may, we want to hold high the banner of Jesus Christ. In him we want to wait for the time when your mighty deeds will fully establish your kingdom for all nations on earth. You are our God and our Father. Protect us, and give light to our hearts so that we can always be joyful and can hope in you forevermore. Amen.
Monday, October 7, 2019
Dear Tyler,
Hi my sweet son! How are you doing on this Monday late afternoon? It is already 4:15 pm and this day has really flown by. Mark and Mom were both up late this morning. We woke up at 8 am. I got up and fed the pups and got fresh coffee made for Mark. After that I lounged in bed for a very short time and then got Mark off the phone to get ready for his PT appointment. He decided to go by himself today which was great because I was able to do a lot while he was gone for 1.5 hours. Mom dusted, mopped the floors, vacuumed the floors, did laundry, got ready, made a couple phone calls that were needed and I also got the blue tooth working on my new cell phone /vehicle. Mark got home shortly after I did all that. We had some lunch and then he went straight to work and Mom jumped back on the phone with another couple of people and also, Meme. We chatted for a few minutes. She is really getting nervous and scared now. I was trying to calm her down but I don't think that I was helping much at all. I think all of our nerves are getting to us as we are exactly one week out now. This time next week we will be in a hotel room and just hours away from getting on a plane and having all our lives change forever. Mom is nervous as well. I would be lying if I said I wasn't but it is to be expected. I am trying to take these last 4 days to make sure that we have everything we need to fly....all paperwork etc... to be able to get our PO Boxes, drivers licenses, and anything else that we will need. It is a lot of work. There is a few last minute things we need to pack up as well and print out but other than that we are good there. We have our hotel rooms set, our driver to the airport all booked so I really do think we are ahead of the game. Mom is pretty proud of herself considering it all. The last 5 months have been tough. I have been caring and running Mark all around to everywhere he needs to go, coordinating everything for the move for Meme and Bob, plus the move for us here. I have coordinated the vehicles being transported for us all as well, finding and donating all the furniture down in the new home that we didn't need, donating and finding a new home for all the furniture here that we are not bringing, getting things turned on in our name in Florida and disconnecting all the things here as well. It has been a lot of stress, phone calls, emails, note taking, not to mention all the money that it is taking to do this but I know that in the end it will be all okay and it will be worth it. Everything will be finished by next week....the movers, the vehicle transports, our stuff being delivered, the vehicles being delivered, cable/phone/internet turned on, ADT security turned on, po boxes done, registrations done, licenses done, etc.... by October 23rd we can start to breathe and learn to live in our new home and surroundings. Mark will be on vacation from October 11th through October 17th. He will work on October 18th and then have the weekend off again. He will start a full week on October 22nd. Hard to believe that after that it will be the end of October and it will be Halloween...your favorite holiday my sweet precious son! I have been posting Fall/Autumn pictures on here lately but today I will start to post 1 Autumn picture and 1 Halloween picture until Halloween is over. Yep... you guessed it...there will be a lot of Jack Skellington and some others mixed in for the next 24 days! Mom hopes that you like all her choices for the pictures. I hope they make you smile.
It is 4:45 pm and Mom really needs to be getting off the computer so that I can get the pups fed for the night and also get dinner going for Mark and Mom. He is still on a conference call for work but he will be done that shortly. I think it will be left overs tonight which is a very good thing because Mom really isn't in the mood to do any cooking...lol. I think tonight will be a relaxing night and a bit of TV before bed. I know that we have to be up early tomorrow morning so that Mark can bring his vehicle down to the garage to be looked at. Then it will be a day of him working and the same thing I did today for Mom. Getting lists made and getting everything together some more! I will be back tomorrow with another letter to you though. I will light your candle in a little bit too. Smile when you hear Mom whispering to you and I will smile back. Have fun tonight while I get some sleep and come visit me in my dreams if you can.
You are my hero and the wind beneath my wings. You will forever live in my heart, mind, body and soul. I miss you beyond any words can possibility say and I love you even more. To the moon and back and all the way around the world. To infinity and beyond. Thank you for being my bright shining star and helping me on this new path we are about to take. Please continue to be with Mom and the rest of our family and pets. Thank you, pumpkin. Until tomorrow comes....good night and sweet dreams.
Always, Mommy xoxoxo. Muah!
Here is today's prayer:
Hi my sweet son! How are you doing on this Monday late afternoon? It is already 4:15 pm and this day has really flown by. Mark and Mom were both up late this morning. We woke up at 8 am. I got up and fed the pups and got fresh coffee made for Mark. After that I lounged in bed for a very short time and then got Mark off the phone to get ready for his PT appointment. He decided to go by himself today which was great because I was able to do a lot while he was gone for 1.5 hours. Mom dusted, mopped the floors, vacuumed the floors, did laundry, got ready, made a couple phone calls that were needed and I also got the blue tooth working on my new cell phone /vehicle. Mark got home shortly after I did all that. We had some lunch and then he went straight to work and Mom jumped back on the phone with another couple of people and also, Meme. We chatted for a few minutes. She is really getting nervous and scared now. I was trying to calm her down but I don't think that I was helping much at all. I think all of our nerves are getting to us as we are exactly one week out now. This time next week we will be in a hotel room and just hours away from getting on a plane and having all our lives change forever. Mom is nervous as well. I would be lying if I said I wasn't but it is to be expected. I am trying to take these last 4 days to make sure that we have everything we need to fly....all paperwork etc... to be able to get our PO Boxes, drivers licenses, and anything else that we will need. It is a lot of work. There is a few last minute things we need to pack up as well and print out but other than that we are good there. We have our hotel rooms set, our driver to the airport all booked so I really do think we are ahead of the game. Mom is pretty proud of herself considering it all. The last 5 months have been tough. I have been caring and running Mark all around to everywhere he needs to go, coordinating everything for the move for Meme and Bob, plus the move for us here. I have coordinated the vehicles being transported for us all as well, finding and donating all the furniture down in the new home that we didn't need, donating and finding a new home for all the furniture here that we are not bringing, getting things turned on in our name in Florida and disconnecting all the things here as well. It has been a lot of stress, phone calls, emails, note taking, not to mention all the money that it is taking to do this but I know that in the end it will be all okay and it will be worth it. Everything will be finished by next week....the movers, the vehicle transports, our stuff being delivered, the vehicles being delivered, cable/phone/internet turned on, ADT security turned on, po boxes done, registrations done, licenses done, etc.... by October 23rd we can start to breathe and learn to live in our new home and surroundings. Mark will be on vacation from October 11th through October 17th. He will work on October 18th and then have the weekend off again. He will start a full week on October 22nd. Hard to believe that after that it will be the end of October and it will be Halloween...your favorite holiday my sweet precious son! I have been posting Fall/Autumn pictures on here lately but today I will start to post 1 Autumn picture and 1 Halloween picture until Halloween is over. Yep... you guessed it...there will be a lot of Jack Skellington and some others mixed in for the next 24 days! Mom hopes that you like all her choices for the pictures. I hope they make you smile.
It is 4:45 pm and Mom really needs to be getting off the computer so that I can get the pups fed for the night and also get dinner going for Mark and Mom. He is still on a conference call for work but he will be done that shortly. I think it will be left overs tonight which is a very good thing because Mom really isn't in the mood to do any cooking...lol. I think tonight will be a relaxing night and a bit of TV before bed. I know that we have to be up early tomorrow morning so that Mark can bring his vehicle down to the garage to be looked at. Then it will be a day of him working and the same thing I did today for Mom. Getting lists made and getting everything together some more! I will be back tomorrow with another letter to you though. I will light your candle in a little bit too. Smile when you hear Mom whispering to you and I will smile back. Have fun tonight while I get some sleep and come visit me in my dreams if you can.
You are my hero and the wind beneath my wings. You will forever live in my heart, mind, body and soul. I miss you beyond any words can possibility say and I love you even more. To the moon and back and all the way around the world. To infinity and beyond. Thank you for being my bright shining star and helping me on this new path we are about to take. Please continue to be with Mom and the rest of our family and pets. Thank you, pumpkin. Until tomorrow comes....good night and sweet dreams.
Always, Mommy xoxoxo. Muah!
Here is today's prayer:
I am the good shepherd; I know my sheep and my sheep know me – just as the Father knows me and I know the Father – and I lay down my life for the sheep. John 10:14–15, NIV
Dear Father in heaven, we thank you that your voice reaches our hearts and that we can say with joy, "We belong to you. We too are yours." We want to lead lives that show we belong to you, never allowing ourselves to be sidetracked, never again giving way to pettiness, always drawing strength from the power of Jesus Christ. Protect our household. Watch over each of us. Protect us all on our way. O mighty God, be with us in the many dangers that surround us, and grant that we may always be joyful because our names are recorded in heaven. Amen.
Sunday, October 6, 2019
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