Saturday, March 9, 2019

Dear Tyler,

Hi my sweet son! How are you doing on this Saturday evening? Mom is doing alright. It was kind of iffy early though. Mark and Mom were up early this morning. We fed the pups, made Mark coffee and then we lounged in bed for a bit. Mom was playing a game while Mark was watching a movie. After a short bit, Mom got up, got ready, gathered the garbage up while Mark was getting ready and then we took off around noon time. The plan was to go to the grocery store and another store to look around and then head to grab a celebratory lunch. Mom was doing good up until we got to the grocery store and then it kind of was all over with. Mom out of the blue was not feeling the greatest so after the grocery store we came right home. Mark went to go get us the lunch and bring it back here while Mom was putting stuff away. Mark got back about an hour later and Mom was feeling better up until I ate. Then I felt like crap again. I kept myself busy and moved around while drinking ginger ale and I am feeling a bit better now. It was so weird. Now Mom is waiting for our groceries to be delivered and then we are going to watch a couple movies this evening. We are trying to get everything done this evening because of the weather that is coming tomorrow. It will be snowing and then change over to sleet and freezing rain. When we were out this afternoon, Mom could not believe what a mess it is out there and just how much snow we have. It is awful and it is going to take a very long time for all of it to melt now. Mom just shook her head and closed her eyes imaging it was going to be Spring and Summer soon enough and all this would be going away! That is the only way any of us here is able to get through it all. 
 Mom was able to chat with Meme and Bob today. They are doing well. Bob's daughter called today. He was so happy. I am so happy for the 2 of them. She will be going on week 6 at the police academy. She is doing great and such a trooper. I am so proud of her. Meme was saying that they are all set to come down next weekend. I can't wait. I miss them all so very much. Bob had a doctor's appointment this week. Things I guess went good. They switched up some of his medicine again but Bob is okay with it. He sounds more alert when you talk to him so that is good. Meme was saying that she was not feeling the best today either. It came on fast with her as well. I hope that she is feeling better for next weekend so she can come down here. It would be a shame for her and Bob to miss out. Mom will get in touch with Grandpa either later this evening or tomorrow after he gets home from work. I think we have a rescheduled skype call from last weekend as well. I will touch base with the rest of the family during the week. I will update you on all that when I get the news.
 It is 6:45 pm and it feels like it is 11 pm. It is super dark outside and Mark just got in from going to the store and he said it was crazy out there tonight. We turn the clocks ahead tonight as well. That just means we are one step closer to Spring time....11 days. The countdown is on!
 Mom hopes that your evening will be everything you need and want it to be. Come visit Mom in my dreams tonight if you can or be with me while I get some sleep. Please do me a favor and hug and kiss Snickers for Mom? Today is the day he cross over to the rainbow bridge to be with you and Max. Mom misses that little guy so much. He was the only thing I physically had left of yours and then he went away. I guess you needed your puppy back, huh? Give Maxie a hug and kiss for Mom too please. I miss them all and I miss you like crazy. I love you to the moon and back and all the way around the world. You are my hero and the wind beneath my wings. Forever you are in my heart, mind, body and soul. Mom will be back tomorrow with another letter to you but for now Mom is going to call it a night and go relax while watching a couple movies in bed with Mark. Until tomorrow comes my sweet precious son....good night and sweet dreams.
 Always, Mommy xoxoxo. Muah!

Here is the prayer for the day:

But if we walk in the light as he himself is in the light, then we share together a common life, and we are being cleansed from every sin by the blood of Jesus his Son. 1 John 1:7, NEB
Dear Father in heaven, we thank you as your children, whom you know how to gather. You have brought us into community with you in a wonderful way, in the midst of a world full of unrest, full of misery, and full of sin. For you know your children and lead them into community with you. You comfort them. You give them strength of faith, and confidence in your rulership and your kingdom, which will prevail over everything evil and deathly that still seems to control humankind. But your dominion reaches far, far beyond. You will keep us in your hands. For the sake of those who trust in you, you will send your grace and your help into the whole world. Amen.

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