Saturday, August 4, 2018

Dear Tyler,

Hi my sweet son! How are you doing on this Saturday afternoon? Mom is doing just fine today. I was up at 6:45 am and I got the dogs fed and gave them their vitamin and also made Mark some fresh coffee while he was still sleeping. I was able to relax a bit and then got up and got ready so that we could be out the door in time for our appointments this morning. The weather was sunny and humid when we left and about 30 minutes into my nail appointment the sky let loose and it just started to down pour. No thunder or lightning just heavy rain. It still is raining right now. It is crazy. To say the least, Mark and Mom got It is suppose to rain until about 7 pm tonight and then the sun is suppose to come out and be sunny for the next 3 days and hot hot hot as well. Every day is suppose to be in the middle 90's. Crazy! Mom saw that about 2 hours from where we lived there was a tornado that touched down and did a lot of damage. That was so sad to see. It is frighting to be in one of them. Mark and Mom were in one when we lived in Oklahoma. That is something that I never want to be in again. The weather stated that we could have got some of that tornado as well but I think it passed us already and Mom is thankful for that. My thoughts and prayers go out to all that were involved in it this morning. May they all be okay. 
 Last night was quite for us here. The phone rang once and it was Meme. We chatted for a few minutes and then that was it for the night. Mark and Mom watched a bit of TV and I was sleeping by 10:15 pm or so. Mark stayed awake and watched TV for a bit but Mom was out like a!  Tonight will be Mom cooking dinner and then getting ready for groceries to be delivered and then relaxing for the evening. Tomorrow there are no plans so Mom was thinking that maybe in the morning Mark and Mom could go walking along the water and then just come home for the rest of the day and do whatever as it will be hot outside. It is always nice to have 1 down day during the weekend. Mark will probably go play on his computer and Mom will do some house cleaning for a couple hours and then who knows what else. We do have a skype call tomorrow evening as well but that is it. Not much else is going on at all. It is a quiet day overall and that is nice.
 Mom is hoping that this evening you will have a relaxing evening as well. If you get the chance, please come visit me in my dreams tonight. I sure would love that very much. Hope that you have fun as well while Mom sleeps. Hope you have the change to do all that you need to do and want to do as well. I will light a candle for you later on so know it is burning bright for you my sweet precious son. I will whisper to you later as well so smile when you hear my voice and I will smile back to you. I miss you so much. More than words can say. I love you to the moon and back and all the way around the world. You will always be Mom's hero and the wind beneath my wings. Forever you will be in my heart, mind, body and soul. Mom will be back tomorrow with another letter to you. I think I am going to go relax a bit and enjoy some down time while Mark is occupied doing something and the pups are sleeping. A little "me" time will be good for Mom. Until tomorrow comes...good night and sweet dreams my bright shining star. My love for you is unconditional.
 Always, Mommy xoxoxo. Muah!

Here is the prayer for the day:

As a prisoner for the Lord, then, I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received. Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace. Ephesians 4:1–3, NIV
Dear Father in heaven, we thank you for the blessings you give us on earth, for it is through your gifts and work, and through the work of your children, that we can believe and be saved. Protect us here in our household. Let us make allowances for one another in love and spare no effort to maintain unity in the Spirit through the bond of peace. Grant us new strength and new gifts whenever we need them on the path you have set for us. Grant that we may rejoice and trust in you until we reach the goal. Amen.

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