Friday, September 28, 2018

Dear Tyler,

Hi pumpkin! How are you doing on this Friday afternoon? Mom wants to start out by saying that I am so sorry for last nights letter to you. I was so tired after not getting any sleep for the past 2 nights and then studying until 8 pm that all I did was crash at 10 pm last night. I got some much needed sleep last night for a short while that is so I am doing much better today. Mom was up at 7 am this morning and got right up and got everything set for my proctor exam that started at 9 am this morning. The exam lasted 4 hours and there was 42 questions on the thing. There was so much on the test that I didn't know how to code and my grade reflected on it. I tried my very best though and unfortunately I still failed the exam. Mom now knows what it is like to fail a test again. I was disappointed in myself but there was nothing I could do to go over my answers because the time tested out and I had no way of doing it so that is where I failed it. Overall though my grade in the course was an 84~ B so Mom is happy with that and I am grateful that I do not have to take the whole course over again. That is the bright side to it. After that exam was done, Mom chatted on the phone briefly with a friend and then now I am coloring my hair while I write to you. Multitasking! Mom will shower after that and then the rest of the day/night will be relaxing and just debriefing this whole morning. Mom is pretty tired and still kind of down in the dumps. Anyways,,, enough of that subject!
 There was so much going on yesterday that Mom has to fill you in on. I spoke to Aunt Beck yesterday and she had some exciting news to share and that was she is going back to Italy in August 2019 for 12 days with a group of friends and there might be a chance to also go back to Italy before that doing some teaching. Bean has gone to the doctors to get more blood work done and to have her TSH Levels checked. She is doing really well on the medicine and she is pretty happy! That is great news! Debbie is doing amazing with her recovery only after 10 days post surgery. She is wanting to return back to work but the doctor says not for another 3.5 weeks. Grandpa is doing good and just working a lot still. He plans on completely retiring in just 2 months! That will be great for him. He needs to just relax and enjoy life now! Meme and Bob are doing okay but are worried about Skittles again. He threw his back out and he hasn't been doing so well. He had a doctor appointment this morning so I will reach out to Meme later and see how he made out. My fingers are crossed. Mark is doing good. He had a pretty relaxed day today from work which is good seeings how next week he is booked solid and a cutover to boot very early Tuesday morning. Mom is doing the best that I can. You see what I go through and how I am so no need to tell you about it all. Mark and Mom got some exciting news yesterday afternoon..... we have been doing the paperwork for the home loan and we finished it up and yesterday we were called to say that we got approved for one! We can start looking for a home to call our own now. We had our sights on one house but we got told today that it was sold already. Mark and Mom are bummed but like I told Mark the positive part is that we got approved and that other house was not meant for us so the right one will come along. We will find one and we will be homeowners again very soon. Please be with us so that the process goes smoothly and that we find our dream home. Thank you so much! Those are the updates that Mom has for you today. I am sure there will be more over the weekend though.
 Mom has been burning the candle for you since 9 am this morning. It is almost out and a new one needs to be started again. I will do that after I finish up with your letter. Mom will whisper to you later tonight so smile when you hear me and I will smile back to you. I sure hope that your evening will be filled with everything that you need to do and may want to do. Come visit Mom in my dreams tonight if you can. I will be back sometime tomorrow with another letter to you. Mark and Mom are heading out early in the morning to go meet with a Realtor. Hopefully we will get some good suggestions and maybe even find another home. Keeping our fingers crossed. It will be a long day so Mom will probably write you a short letter and then a longer one on Sunday. Just wanting to give you and all my followers a heads up! I love you so much my sweet precious son. You still are my world. You always were and always will be. You are my hero and the wind beneath my wings. Thank you for shining your bright light Mom's way and lighting my path that I need to go down. It means so much to me! I miss you beyond words and that will never change. You live inside my heart, mind, body and soul for always. Mom needs to get going now as I have to jump in the shower and get this dye out of my Until tomorrow comes.... good night and sweet dreams. 
 Always, Mommy xoxoxo. Muah!

Here is the prayer for the day:

 Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever. Let the redeemed of the Lord tell their story – those he redeemed from the hand of the foe, those he gathered from the lands, from east and west, from north and south. Psalm 107:1–3, NIV
Lord our God and our Father, we thank you for all the blessings you have brought into our lives and for everything we still hope to receive from your goodness. We thank you that through your Spirit you will work more and more in us and in all people, so that we are not held back by any human considerations but can go toward a higher goal. Keep us in your care. In all our special concerns may each of us experience your comfort and help, so that we may rejoice with the praise of your name always in our hearts. Amen.

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