Thursday, May 28, 2020

Dear Tyler,

Hi pumpkin! How are you doing on this Thursday late afternoon? Mom is doing ok today. I have been up since 6:30 am and on the go since! The pups were fed at their usual time, walked and then Mom had coffee all set. I did lounged downstairs while Meme went to the post office. I got a couple packages so I opened them up and then came right upstairs to put things away and then start on my business. I made several emails and awaiting responses back. Took a couple calls and then I have been scouting around looking for the last couple things to add to my box and I will be finished. I will just have to wait to get the boxes and put them together. I have to still get some candles and tissue paper but that is it. Things are looking good. Tomorrow I will be working on calling the company that will be handling my business. I will also be writing up the descriptions of the items to get that going as well. we had to go out and purchase a new wireless system last night due to the wifi dropping constantly. It was dang expensive that is for sure! It came in today so Mark will be hooking it up right after we eat dinner tonight. 
 The weather is pretty nasty here again. It is so dark outside. It is thundering and lightning out as well. It has been now for a couple hours. Princess is shaking like crazy and Ozzy is just hanging out with me in my office. He is in his bed, sleeping. Mom has already prepped dinner for tonight so all we have to do is go downstairs and eat. It will be super helpful to Mom as it is already 4:45 pm. The pups stuff is also all set. Just need to add water and they are done too. It is nice to be ahead of the game for a change. 
 Today has not been a good day for Meme at all. This morning she was saying something to Bob.....They started arguing and he got in her face and starting yelling. I was right there and almost stood up to tell him to chill the hell out. I know he has not been sleeping at all at night and he is getting up at 9 am the last 3 mornings but he needs to knock the crap off. Mom is not dealing with his sh*t anymore. He is going to be treated the way he treats us. He doesn't like it then he knows where the door is. Mom was prepping dinner around 3:30 pm. He must have thought I was Meme making their dinner. He came into the kitchen and then left. He sat downstairs for a few minutes. Meme came down and we were talking. She was eating her dinner already and Bob walked in. He looked at her like " where is my dinner?".... Meme told him to fend for himself so he opened up the refrigerator and got a jello out. He ate that and then went back upstairs when he knew she was not making any dinner. This is the stuff we deal with every day. Not one day gets better either. It is worse. He thinks that Meme is going to wait on him hand and foot. I was proud of her for what she did tonight. She never gets a thank you at all from him. It is sad but I am glad that she has smartened up! She needs to just take care of herself because she is not looking healthy in my eyes. She is always tired and she has gained a lot of weight. I don't say much to her about it because I know it is a touchy subject but I am observing without saying a word. 
 Holy thunder Mom loves it but the pups are now super scared...even Ozzy! Guess this letter to you will be shorter than I thought. It still hasn't started to rain yet but when it does it will be heavy like yesterday. The weather is supposed to be this way until next Tuesday. Crappy weekend again with no sun. Ugh... it is depressing for sure. Mom needs her Vitamin Don't think that the pups will be going for a walk after dinner. they will be so scared to even step outside....poor things. These guys are the first set that are scared of all weather except sunshine. Max and Snickers didn't care about the rain, thunder or lightning. They were easy guys to take care of. Mom misses them and all of the pups we have had. I know they are with you and you are watching them and making sure they are happy. Thank you for that. I know you are watching over us as well. You are keeping us safe and healthy. Mom thanks you for that too. 
 Here comes the rain now and the storm is getting pretty bad. I think Mom needs to shut things done for now. I will be back tomorrow with another letter to you and I will make sure to do it earlier in the morning. I will light your candle later and whisper to you before I go to bed. Have fun while we all sleep tonight. Come visit if you can in my dreams. I miss you beyond words. I love you to the moon and back and all the way around the world. You are my hero and the wind beneath my wings. Forever you live in my heart, mind, body and soul. Until tomorrow comes my sweet precious son...good night and sweet dreams later.
 Always, Mommy xoxoxo. Muah 💕 

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