Tuesday, June 1, 2021

 Dear Tyler,

Hi my sweet son! How are you doing on this Tuesday afternoon? Mom is doing alright. I would like to say that I am great but that would be a big fat lie! I am sorry that 2 more days have gone by and I didn't write to you. It has been crazy here and Mom has had her hands full with everything. Let me explain....

It was a long weekend for Memorial Day. We did absolutely nothing and we went no where at all! It was hot, muggy and at times rainy. The weather was weird but just the same...we did nothing. Friday night we had pizza and watched the new Disney movie...Cruella! It was amazing and we all loved it. I know you would have as well. She is the villain to the 101 Dalmatians cartoon. It definitely was not kid friendly for sure. That movie got over at 8:30 pm. we went to bed after as Mom was tired and still sick. 

Saturday~ Got up at the same time as always. Pups walked and fed. Mark played his video game all day with his brother while Mom worked on getting things set for her boxes. We ate dinner, watched tv and then went to bed. we never even went outside at all other then to walk the pups.

Sunday~ Mark caught what Mom has. He began to get so sick. He did nothing all day except play his video game with his brother again. Mom did laundry, housework and then worked on the write up for her boxes. We did cook out on the grill for dinner but that was it. Bed time was very early. 

Monday~ OMG....Mark is super sick, Mom is still sick and we are both ugly and short-tempered! Pups were taken care of in the morning and night. Mark stayed in his office all day long...again playing his video game. Mom chatted on the phone for a bit and then cleaned my office up. I spoke to Grandpa last night. All is well there. We literally did nothing. Ate dinner, cleaned up, watched tv and Mark was asleep by 9:30 pm. 

Tuesday~ That is today. Mark has worked all day. Good thing it has been quiet for him though. He has barely talked. He is feeling like I did last Wednesday through Friday. He didn't sleep. Mom didn't either as I was coughing so much. I got up at 6 am because I couldn't sleep. My cold is doing better but not 100% yet. I have been taking medicine twice daily to help me out. Tonight we are bot taking the night stuff. It will knock our butts out....lol. We need the sleep though. Mom has heard nothing about her car at all. It is day 8 now. I did contact a legal firm. I am waiting to hear back from them. Hopefully tomorrow will be the day. I had many other calls and emails that have been happening as well. I got 5 boxes done and taped up to send out tomorrow morning. I will be working on curating all my boxes this week and shipping them out over the weekend. Little at a time so I can take my time and not rush and be overwhelmed. I need to pace myself this time and not get sick again. Tonight will be a quick dinner and probably back upstairs to watch tv so that Mark can rest. Tomorrow is another day to start fresh and make things happen. A good night rest will help and do wonders for us both. 

Mom will light the candle tonight and whisper to you before bed as well. Smile when you hear me and I will smile back to you. Please watch over us my sweet precious son. Keep us healthy and safe from all that is going on in this world. So much sickness, hate, etc... Thank you. Mom will write to you again tomorrow afternoon. I miss you so much and I love you to the moon and back and all the way around the world. You are my hero and the wind beneath my wings. Forever you live in my heart, mind, body and soul. Have fun tonight while I sleep. Come visit me if you can. Mom has to go to work on her boxes for a bit before dinner. Not much time though as it is 3:49 pm. Oh well. I can get a couple done. That is more than what I had before! Until tomorrow comes...good night and sweet dreams. 

Always, Mommy xoxoxo. Muah 💛 

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