Friday, March 11, 2016

Dear Tyler,

Hi my sweet son! How are you doing on this Friday evening? Mom is doing alright today. What I wanted was a quiet day really not doing much but instead I did quite a bit & got a lot accomplished in a few short hours. I spent a lot of time on the phone today.... like 4 hours straight with companies that I needed to talk to. Again...very productive so Mom is actually I am feeling pretty good! One of the things that Mom did was get all that I needed to so that sometime next week I can go & get my vehicle registered & inspected & then I can come & go as I please & not be stuck in the apartment like I have for the last 4 years. I am so psyched. It will be so nice to have a sense of freedom again. Tonight will be able to relax & maybe take a nice bubble bath or watch a movie as we have a pretty busy weekend ahead of us. 
 The weather today was again cloudy, gray & raining for most of the day but around 4 pm the clouds broke free & the sun actually came out for a couple hours. It was nice to see even if it was not out for long. The sunset tonight was really pretty. The sky had multi pastel shades of pink, purple, blue & white. It looked like a masterpiece that you would have painted for Mom. Perhaps maybe you were in the sky painting it for Mom so I would smile. When I saw it I did smile indeed. Hope you aw that. I miss you painting. I miss watching you. You always amazed me with what you could do. You had such talent. Many told you that including your art teachers...Mom just wishes you had believed it. On Wednesday night, the 16th, Mom is going to a painting class. I think it will be fun! I will be with about 30 people. Hope it comes back naturally to Mom. I sure do miss painting. Might just take it up as a hobby again...who knows. We shall see after the class. I am sure you will be with me while I paint, giving me pointers that I may need. I hope so. 
 Here are a couple updates for you. Aunt Shirley is still awaiting results & in so much pain. They are looking at her spine now to see if that is playing into her back & leg pain. Still no answers yet though. Uncle Dick is still in the hospital, Meme & Bob are doing alright. Meme is pretty tired though. She is feeling better. I will be talking to Grandpa soon but I am sure he is doing alright as I am sure Debbie is as well. Mark is fine. He is wanting a relaxing weekend because the next several weeks he is going to be very busy. Long days/nights at work. The pups are doing well. Tomorrow is Princess' got me day. We have had her for a year. Hard to believe. She has come such a long way. Mom loves them both even though they drive me crazy at times. One of Mom's friends is so sweet. He reads Mom's letters to you every day now. That means a lot to me for him to do that along with all the others that read these. I just wish I knew who they all were so I could thank them personally. He is always telling Mom to tell you " hello " & it usually brings tears to my eyes. We have known each other for so many years 30 to be exact but it wasn't until the last few months that we have become the bestest of friends. We talk all the time, well as much as we can, we are there for each other through the good & the bad & I wouldn't have it any other way. he is a wonderful man that I hold very near in my heart. I wish that you would have had a chance to meet him. Like I have said before you 2 would have gotten along but Mom would have been in trouble as you both are practical You would have loved him, Tyler. I know you would. Anyways.... That are the updates for you today.
 here is your daily prayer. March 11~ And he answering said, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart & with all thy soul & with all thy strength & with all thy mind & thy neighbour as thyself. O God, your love is so great. I'm not sure that I can love as you do or even love others in a way that will please you. God, teach me how to really love my family, my friends & even strangers. I trust in the power of your love to make me into a far more loving person than I am today. Amen.
 The evening sky is here. Mom doubts that there will be anything shining in the sky again tonight. Hopefully over the weekend I will. Nevertheless Mom will whisper to you as I do every night. Be listening out for my voice. Mom hopes that you have a wonderful night doing all that you need & want to. Rest & get some sleep if you can. Sweet dreams & come visit Mom in mine tonight. I miss you & I love you to the moon & back & all the way around the world my sweet precious son. You are forever in my heart, mind & soul. You are & always will be my true hero & Mom's wind beneath my wings. Good night, Tyler.
 Always, Mommy xoxoxo. Muah!